Friday 3 April 2015

Amsterdam (Spring): Keukenhof Tulip Garden

April 2015
Amsterdam, Netherlands
w. unimates

My guess is, most students visit Ams more than once for various reasons.
Winter was a bummer because it was so cold, I spent most of my time thawing inside random places.
Spring wasn't so bad, but it wasn't spring by definition either. Because I still spent time thawing myself, except less often.

But, they did have the occasional sunny days hours and that brightened up the trip!
It would have been such a damper if I had to see the Tulip Garden on a cloudy day.

Finally got to test out my 'new' Polaroid Land Camera 420 and some 1-year expired FP-100C film

I have to say, I love every successful film that came out of the camera! 

Even when the picture is over-exposed, it gives it the dreamy-feel.
Plus, white backgrounds tend to develop into this light pretty shade of pink. However, I'm not sure if its just the expired chemicals or by default, the chemicals just can't develop pure white.

Although I kept in mind that the Polaroid 420 can't capture micro, I still like the blurry effect.

I could possibly be in a stage of self-denial/self-praise for getting the Polaroid420 and hence my love for all its 'defects', but let me be.

This is my 3-bedroom accommodation at Fredericksplien Apartment, Stadhousederskade. 
Other than the heating issue, it's an amazing place to stay in.
Absolutely love the layout of the apartment, the kind that I wish I have but could never because it's too white and my brother is too dirty.

I do have some reservations about the Polaroid420. 

I wasted about 5 films because I was either too noob or by chance, the camera just doesn't develop successfully every shot.
I either get black blanks or unfocused images like the one below (it was supposed to be my Dutch pancakes).

Also, I tend to look like a moron when taking pictures with that hulk.
To top it of, my shaky-Parkinson hold needs to be supported so that the pictures don't look like a splatter of light but an actual image. Hence, my sitting position with my arms rested on the ground.

Back to the Tulip Garden..

Prepare for picture spam

This year, the garden is open from 20 March 2015 to 17 May 2015.

Went to Kuekenhof (Tulip Gardens) via the 858 bus service from Schipol Airport.
You can buy the bus ticket + admission ticket at the Holland Tourists Centre/Information at Arrivals 2 at the airport. Both will cost you EUR23.50.

Alternatively, you could get one that brings you from Amsterdam (such as Haarlem, Amsterdam Central, other main stops) to Kuekenhof for EUR28.50 (also including admissions). 
But since I have an all-covered transportation pass for 3 full days, I decided the take the train to Schipol and then go to Kuekenhof from there.

Admissions is around EUR16. 
Bus tickets only can be bought at EUR10/return from Schipol. I think this can be bought from any Tours&Tickets shops you'll see along Damrak (near Dam Square).

Kuekenhof is the second largest garden in the world. 
First being the country city that holds the most world records; Dubai.

However, by preference, I prefer Kuekenhof over Dubai Miracle Garden because this is more authentic. 

Picture from Google Images
This is Dubai Miracle Garden.

Of course, having a garden in the middle of a desert is something. 
Yet, I feel the word 'garden' ill-fits the place. This is more like plant sculptures.  

Not to say that Kuekenhof doesn't have these plant sculptures (like above), but if you know what I mean, the ones in Kuekenhof bring a more natural aura than that in Dubai.

Snake print is in.
Even tulips are spotting it.
I promise, that flower pattern is on a real flower.

One thing I was quite surprised that Kuekenhof didn't have was the tulip fields.
I had in my mind before my visit this large plain filled with tulips that I could prop myself in the middle of it. 
But apparently, they don't have that. 
This is quite surprising since some other smaller Tulip Festivals such as that in Australia has it. 

I know Sakura blooming season in Japan is ongoing now (April). 
So is the Sakura in Amsterdam! 
The last time I was in Japan, I was there for the whole of winter and obviously saw nothing but dried leaves. 
Glad to see some here in Kuekenhof, although this doesn't stop me from going back to Japan. 

That's about all the flower pictures I think you can manage.
There's more but we'll save it for another day, aye?

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