Thursday 12 March 2015

Iceland 2015: Waterfalls you'll never get over

Winter 2015

Iceland has an abundant of waterfalls. That's what you get when you're covered with large blocks of ice and it melts.
The waterfalls here are one of the 'rawest' ones I've ever seen.
There are so untouched, it's almost too rare in our polluted world today.
Remind me to always be grateful that I was able to enjoy them while they are still here.

During my time, I stopped by a few waterfalls.
Some famous ones and some just off the main highway.
They are everywhere.
Go on a map and you'll see a few dozen stops ending with -foss (waterfall in Icelandic). We went to the ones in Seljalandfoss and Skogafoss.

 The Seljalandsfoss

 Had it been summer, I would be in the water.

I've been told that you'll catch some amazing pictures if you walk down the path to the back of the waterfall.
However, it was winter, icy and slippery. So I didn't make the trip down, although I really really wanted to.

 The stairs were so slippery, I 'butt slide' down the stairs.

The Skogafoss

 There's a path to climb up to an observation deck places higher than the Skogafoss waterfall.
Climbed over the 'permitted area' fence and walked a little further in. (Don't worry, I was careful not to walk on any vegetation)
The view above is spectacular!
Had the best 360view.

 Waterfall from the top! Imagine free diving in~

 Had the opportunity to walk really near this waterfall to feel the full force of it.
50m away from it and my SLR got soaked, but how awesome is it!
There is a reason why I've been reluctant to change my SLR, because I know it will someday fail on me due to my extreme abuse/neglect of it. When that day comes, I will only be too happy to change it as I know I've squeezed all manner of value out of it.

We were suddenly rewarded with a rainbow while we were making our way nearer to the waterfall.
Said it before, I'll say it again; I wish it was summer and then I would dive in.

 Perfect picture, had it not been for the water-on-lens distortion on the left

These cuties were next to the Skogafoss!

Icelandic ponies; Horses really, more ponies than horse due to their size.
You should see them in the mist of a snow blizzard thou.
Any Britain horses would have drop dead and frozen, being buried in snow.
I mean, Britain horses need a blanket over them in winter.
There ponies were eating in the middle of a blizzard.

The water was really refreshing. Drank a little from it and it was surprisingly delicious, even if it is just water. Didn't get stomach trouble as well, so it should have been clean. However, I only drank a mouthful. 

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