Sunday 24 May 2015


Spring break 2015
Leeds, England
w. bran (& jaynie)

We went to Leeds for the weekend over Spring Break because we felt that exploring.
We had a couple of places in mind but chose Leeds because we had quite a few mutual friends there.
So we bought our train tickets 8hours before we were supposed to go and just appear in Leeds.

We spent the remaining first day in Leeds exploring/walking aimlessly around the city centre.
I must admit, they have better selection of food than Liverpool.
Why is it in Liverpool that all the good foods are expensive?
Am I just having a case of 'the grass is greener on the other side'?

If you find a tissue paper with lippie writing on it at Mrs. Atha's; guilty!
Had one of their tea because I didn't feel coffee-ish.
You can always hit them up for a recommendation and they are more than happy to do so.

Protest against taxation of tampons and pads as 'luxury items' in the UK.
They're right, if it's a luxury, I should walk around with period-stained skirts because I don't want people to think I'm spending unnecessary money on 'luxuries'. 
Afterall, who's going to JUDGE you.

Souvenir from Leeds; free of charge with plenty of adrenaline
Sometimes, I worry about the things me and jaynie do. And the simultaneity of it. 
It makes me wonder, what else have we done.

Hyde Park

Visited the Corn Exchange and got this for a tenner!
They have so many bellow-cameras in working condition and reasonable price.
Absolute fan.
At least my Polaroid Land 420 has a friend now, albeit 'impotent' (old). 

The Corn Exchange

Although I can imagine the atmosphere back in the days when this place is packed with sellers & buyers, I find the lack of human traffic today causing a somewhat 'space-wastage' feel.

Leeds City Market.
I bought strawberries here for 1.50quid per box, and they were as fresh and red as period blood red ink!

 So, the first ever Mark & Spencer. Still occupying the same spot.

 The Royal Armouries.
Need this shit in my study!
I should also pick up fencing...

Bhun bah hoe! (Vietnamese) + Pork spring roll
It's completely NOT authentic but I don't care.
I've been craving for food that makes me cry from spiciness and found it here at Trinity Mall's food court.
All hail!

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